Dec 1, 2006

Sam & Max Episode 2 Announced

Entitled "Situation: Comedy", the next installment of the wacky freelance duo takes place in a TV studio where a TV reporter is holding her audience hostage. Yes, crazy. There is even a new albino character named Hugh, we still don't know what his job is. Here are some screen shots, just be sure you don't laugh too hard.

5abanja out --

Nov 29, 2006

Back, with too much news ...

After my PC refused to respond after countless of tries, I decided that the PC needed a fix. And Lo and behold, after one month, it's finally fixed. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for updates on the site, now is a good time to make up for what I have done (or not done?):

-PS3 has launched.
-Wii has launched!! (First Impression coming shortly)
-Lost has ended it's mini-series with an intriguing fall finale!
-Prison Break has ended it's mini-series with a mind blowing fall finale!
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix teaser trailer is online!

-- 5abanja out

Oct 26, 2006

Lost Season Three to Continue February 7th

Good news and bad news. The bad news: Lost will end its mini-series on November 8th, and it won't return until February 7th. The good news: when the series resumes, there won't be any breaks, there won't be any reruns, and there will only be 17 weekly episodes straight!

ABC has set February 7 as a return date for the hit drama "Lost." The first portion of the series' third season will end November 8, with new series "Day Break" scheduled to air in "Lost's" (…) slot starting Nov. 15.

When it returns in February, "Lost" is scheduled to run with all-original episodes through the end of the season.

--5abanja outing

Oct 25, 2006

Sam & Max: Culture Shock Review Part II

The dialogue is top notch. Every time Sam says something, Max always has something even more hilarious to say. The game should be played again just so you could catch quirky line that you missed, it's just non-stop laugh! The only improvement that should be made, since this is just the pilot episode, is to change Sam's voice. There is no acting in it, no drama and no action, as if he was just reading the lines with no charisma.

The game play is very entertaining. It’s based on the golden point-and-click formula. The game should not be finished in haste, for those who complain about how short the game is should consider playing the game half an hour a day, so you won't get bummed after finishing the game so early. There is only one mini game in the episode, car crash, it is fun but get repetitive fast.

Tell Tale uses it own engine for the game. It used real time, not pre-rendered, graphics for the whole game. It really gives a lot of cartoon-y details that are really breathtaking. The improvement that they made is they offered two extra resolutions on the exclusive 800x600: the commonly used 1024x768 and the extra 1280x960.

Sam and Max: Culture Shock is a must buy for any regular gamer. Its characters, story, settings marks it as a classic in the adventure genre. Those who are saying that this is a kid's game do not know what they are missing out on. Congratulations Tell Tale, you have a bright future ahead of you.

Final Score: 9.8/10

Sam & Max: Culture Shock Review Part I

Sam & Max are back, this time, with vengeance.

Eager fans can finally have some joy after the devastating result of double cancellation. This time, Tell Tale Games promises to be the one that can revive the series, not only with one episode, but six! And after finishing episode one, nobody has to worry about Sam & Max being in the wrong hands anymore.

"Culture Shock" begins with Sam & Max sitting in their hectic office. The phone is stolen by a rat who is living in their office, and demands Swiss cheese for the exchange of the phone. So Sam finds regular cheese and shoots it with his gun to make holes, and Swiss cheese is made! These kind of whacky puzzles are just the tip of the iceberg!

As the story unfolds, we know that former child stars from the 70's hit TV show "The Soda Poppers" are being hypnotized by an actor called Brady Culture. His goal is to promote himself as the lovable former child star, that never was, and to regain his popularity back.

The characters are very, very well written. Each character has his own personality, from the highly insane to the tattoo artist/psychotherapist to the overly protected of his own clothes! You can tell how much time Tell Tale spent on creating those characters.

Part two will be posted shortly with the final verdict!

Blogger Has Some Technical Problems

Recently I posted the SNM review which was not what I had expected, in the font size and the lack of pictures, due to some technical problems with blogger itself.

I cannot edit, comment, or make a new post unless Blogger FIXES it immediately!

-- 5abanja, angry, and out!

edit: fixed

Oct 23, 2006

Today Is EID!

Eid mubarak everyone, I hope you have a splendid Eid this year !

Oct 17, 2006

Sam & Max: Culture Shock has been officially released! ... on GameTap [Update]

The wait is finally over, for North Americans at least.

Sam & Max, which has been cancelled more than once in the last ten years, is released today via GameTap for the United States and Canada. Gamers who are awaiting the game can still purchase the game at Tell Tale's website here, but they have to wait a couple of weeks after GameTap's premiere.

The episode costs $8.95, and the whole season, which consists of six monthly episodes, will cost $34.95 so you can save approxiamtely $20. Preorders are said to begin in a couple of days.

[Update]: The Blog's First Ever Review Is Coming Soon!

-- tuo ajnaba5

Oct 8, 2006

Get FireFox!

Get FireFox

This is the one of the funniest ads I have ever seen!

But seriously, get firefox at

-- 5abanja out

Sep 30, 2006

Sam & Max are finally back!

After much pain and sacrifice, Sam & Max are back after a 13 year hiatus. Entitled Sam & Max: Culture Shock, the first episode of the season will be released first at GameTap (USA only) on October 15th for an advanced 15 day experience before it is distributed world wide via Tell Tale Games ( the guys that quit their jobs at Lucas and formed their own company just to give us this great experience) web site on November 1st. It is going to be an excellent Eid this year.

--5abanja 0ut

p.s yes I know you like the new feature that I have posted, which posting pictures, picasa is just great. Posted by Picasa

Sep 29, 2006

LOST season 3!

It's the upcoming promo poster for the latest season of lost, which will air next week!

stop drooling ..

--5abanja out

Jan 7, 2006

Exams and 5abanja Talk - PART 2

Yeah you heard me!
Well I'm sorry to hear it from you, 5abanja
Why is that? Huh?!
Well, it's that your liked me before, and I used to like you, too.
Oh, so now you're not speaking?!
Look, exams, I'm REALLY sorry I acted this way. It has been really terrible for me when it comes to exams. I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me.
It's OK 5abanja =) I forgive you!

Awwww.... that was so sweet!
Back to reality.........

-- خبنجى out